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Faith no more?

16 Nov

79.7% of Finland’s population belongs to the Evangelical Lutheran Church. The second largest church in Finland has an Orthodox church, which includes a 1.1%.

Church isn’t very important to most Finnish people and it doesn’t appear much in our lives. Some old people likes to go church every Sunday. When you are 14-15, you can go to confirmation camp. Young people attends confirmation camp to get money from relatives and they can be godparent after confirmation.

Nowadays many people have left the church because Finnish church doesn’t consecrate gay marriage. Most of young people accept homosexuality. In the last month in 3 weeks over 40 000 people left church. It’s the same count as normally in one year. People left church because of the TV discussion program which included a discussion of gays in a negative tone. You can left church very easily on internet.

In year 2009 January, came the law, that 16 year old can vote in the parish elections and in this year they voted the first time.

Essay made by Siru & Riikka